(too old to reply)
2014-01-29 18:40:21 UTC
Filemaker Pro is currently being used to tuck away information about
customers that are ordering on the Internet from the UCI BOOKSTORE, IRVINE
Is there anything more proficient than Filemaker?
We currently have problems when exporting more than one field from
filemaker and we are reaching the size limit on the current database we
have built in Filemaker :(.
We have a pick database for most purposes in the bookstore such as the
usual special orders, books, sales etc. but not a particular module for
internet type of information, this is why filemaker pro was chosen for
this purpose.
Please delete request of outdated conversation !
Gene Buckle
2014-01-30 17:44:26 UTC
To: mgrector
From Newsgroup: comp.databases.pick
Filemaker Pro is currently being used to tuck away information about
customers that are ordering on the Internet from the UCI BOOKSTORE, IRVINE
Is there anything more proficient than Filemaker?
We currently have problems when exporting more than one field from
filemaker and we are reaching the size limit on the current database we
have built in Filemaker :(.
We have a pick database for most purposes in the bookstore such as the
usual special orders, books, sales etc. but not a particular module for
internet type of information, this is why filemaker pro was chosen for
this purpose.
Please delete request of outdated conversation !
Sorry, that's not how Usenet works.

Proud owner of F-15C 80-0007
http://www.f15sim.com - The only one of its kind.
http://www.diy-cockpits.org/coll - Go Collimated or Go Home.
Some people collect things for a hobby. Geeks collect hobbies.

ScarletDME - The red hot Data Management Environment
A Multi-Value database for the masses, not the classes.
http://scarlet.deltasoft.com - Get it _today_!
--- Synchronet 3.15a-Win32 NewsLink 1.91
The Retro Archive - telnet://bbs.retroarchive.org
2014-01-31 15:33:47 UTC
Post by Gene Buckle
To: mgrector
From Newsgroup: comp.databases.pick
Filemaker Pro is currently being used to tuck away information about
customers that are ordering on the Internet from the UCI BOOKSTORE, IRVINE
Is there anything more proficient than Filemaker?
We currently have problems when exporting more than one field from
filemaker and we are reaching the size limit on the current database we
have built in Filemaker :(.
We have a pick database for most purposes in the bookstore such as the
usual special orders, books, sales etc. but not a particular module for
internet type of information, this is why filemaker pro was chosen for
this purpose.
Please delete request of outdated conversation !
Sorry, that's not how Usenet works.
Proud owner of F-15C 80-0007
http://www.f15sim.com - The only one of its kind.
http://www.diy-cockpits.org/coll - Go Collimated or Go Home.
Some people collect things for a hobby. Geeks collect hobbies.
ScarletDME - The red hot Data Management Environment
A Multi-Value database for the masses, not the classes.
http://scarlet.deltasoft.com - Get it _today_!
--- Synchronet 3.15a-Win32 NewsLink 1.91
The Retro Archive - telnet://bbs.retroarchive.org
please delete or hide outdated conversation from google search results
Gene Buckle
2014-02-03 17:06:15 UTC
To: mgrector
From Newsgroup: comp.databases.pick
Post by Gene Buckle
Post by m***@gmail.com
Please delete request of outdated conversation !
Sorry, that's not how Usenet works.
please delete or hide outdated conversation from google search results
*rolls eyes*


Proud owner of F-15C 80-0007
http://www.f15sim.com - The only one of its kind.
http://www.diy-cockpits.org/coll - Go Collimated or Go Home.
Some people collect things for a hobby. Geeks collect hobbies.

ScarletDME - The red hot Data Management Environment
A Multi-Value database for the masses, not the classes.
http://scarlet.deltasoft.com - Get it _today_!
--- Synchronet 3.15a-Win32 NewsLink 1.91
The Retro Archive - telnet://bbs.retroarchive.org