'MVTools' on Universe/Windows
(too old to reply)
2005-05-04 21:06:08 UTC
i was looking around for some affordable 4gl, development tools for a
project i have to do. this client is a relatively small company -
about 40 users on Universe/Windows 2003 server.

their legacy application is completely home grown. written by dozens
of multivalue programmers over the last 15 years. it serves them well,
but, of course there is no standardization. there must be no less than
a dozen ways to exit/escape from different screens depending on who
the developer was.

they don't want to invest too much, if anything, into software
development tools, but i'm gonna have to write many data entry screens
by hand - extremely labor intensive - and costly to them. i'm spoiled,
i don't want to waste my time/effort and their money doing that kind
of tedious thing by hand anymore.

anyway, i found some really affordable dev tools - free - called
MVTools - doc says they run on D3, Reality, Unidata, Unvierse - i'm
sure someone in this forum has tried these out and is using them -
that's my hope.

i'm having big trouble getting them installed and running on Universe.
it quickly became apparent to me that they were writtin to work on
Universe running on top of Unix not UV/Windows. it's trying to shell
out and execute 'whoami' for instance.

i'm wondering if anyone on this forum has bit the bullet and tweaked
this toolset to work on UV/Windows and if they are willing to share or
sell me the tweaked version of MVTools so I can use it.

i'd love to tweak the toolset myself and could, but don't have the
time to do it.

thanks for any feedback.
2014-12-16 04:38:58 UTC
Sounds like The Programmers Helper which is a parameter-less source code
generator. In my travels I tend to shudder when a new client has a 4GL,
whether commercial or home-grown. Primac, Vercon, Info-Quest, Datamaster,
Screen-Gen, Wizard, Gull etc.

I'm just getting into the Accuterm GUI designer and it could worth a look.
Creates VB-looking screen with a GUI editor and a full-screen code editor. A
tad un-documented but Peter Schellenbach is incredibly helpful with any
questions. I'm planning to consider it for any of my standard green screen
clients that are considering GUI.

You still have to code the logic by hand. But the 'objects' behave 85% like
VB's and you have to be aware that neither designer screens are RUN screens.
Each GUI program is stand-alone which means that you can gradually replace
green screens over time. It is really a regular RUN program that works with
the emulator for the magic.

<a href="http://www.keepautomation.com/products/net_barcode_winforms/
">generate barcode in .NET Windows Forms</a>
Ross Ferris
2014-12-18 03:42:28 UTC
Why conscript the system to last century?

Im guessing that this company that is currently strangling IT budget and wouldn't spring for, say, $15K to get them into a modern/graphical environment will have little hesitation spending 10-20 times that in a few years time on a windows/web solution because "we can't do that on Universe" and the "new system" is so much easier to use.

If you are a consultant, consider CONSULTING and telling them what they NEED, rather than giving them what they (think they) WANT

Just my $0.02
Post by iJah
i was looking around for some affordable 4gl, development tools for a
project i have to do. this client is a relatively small company -
about 40 users on Universe/Windows 2003 server.
their legacy application is completely home grown. written by dozens
of multivalue programmers over the last 15 years. it serves them well,
but, of course there is no standardization. there must be no less than
a dozen ways to exit/escape from different screens depending on who
the developer was.
they don't want to invest too much, if anything, into software
development tools, but i'm gonna have to write many data entry screens
by hand - extremely labor intensive - and costly to them. i'm spoiled,
i don't want to waste my time/effort and their money doing that kind
of tedious thing by hand anymore.
anyway, i found some really affordable dev tools - free - called
MVTools - doc says they run on D3, Reality, Unidata, Unvierse - i'm
sure someone in this forum has tried these out and is using them -
that's my hope.
i'm having big trouble getting them installed and running on Universe.
it quickly became apparent to me that they were writtin to work on
Universe running on top of Unix not UV/Windows. it's trying to shell
out and execute 'whoami' for instance.
i'm wondering if anyone on this forum has bit the bullet and tweaked
this toolset to work on UV/Windows and if they are willing to share or
sell me the tweaked version of MVTools so I can use it.
i'd love to tweak the toolset myself and could, but don't have the
time to do it.
thanks for any feedback.