O)bituary Bill Milliken 27AUG2012
(too old to reply)
2012-08-29 13:25:21 UTC
Long-time Mansfield resident and one of the early Microdata dealers in this area. Specialized in route software for linen services and such. Later, 1982 or thereabouts, partnered with Tom Banbury, Microdata direct, to sell ADDS. When Bill was a few bucks short on his new boat Microdyne bought the ADDS 5000 from himand switched from Microdata because of local NCR service use initials and last name at mail service that starts with gee.

Henry B Keultjes
Mansfield Ohio USA
Henry Keultjes
2012-08-29 14:24:50 UTC
Testing why post shows up us unknown.

Also, will post obituary link as soon as I have it.

Henry Keultjes
Mansfield Ohio USA
2012-08-29 19:21:57 UTC
Post by h***@gmail.com
Long-time Mansfield resident and one of the early Microdata dealers in this area. Specialized in route software for linen services and such. Later, 1982 or thereabouts, partnered with Tom Banbury, Microdata direct, to sell ADDS. When Bill was a few bucks short on his new boat Microdyne bought the ADDS 5000 from himand switched from Microdata because of local NCR service use initials and last name at mail service that starts with gee.
Henry B Keultjes
Mansfield Ohio USA
Why write in a cryptic fashion? Just ensures that some of us can't comprehend what you're saying.