Moderating comp.databases.pick
(too old to reply)
2012-08-25 11:15:49 UTC
Why not convert this usenet group to a moderated version so that od and new users alike learn from this rich historic archive?

Henry Keultjes
Mansfield Ohio USA
2012-08-25 13:17:02 UTC
Post by h***@gmail.com
Why not convert this usenet group to a moderated version so that od and
new users alike learn from this rich historic archive?
Henry Keultjes Mansfield Ohio USA
whats to stop them learning from this rich historical archive anyway
btw i've contributed bug enquiries reports obserfvations fixes

even code
who the fuck would want to sit around moderating this place

maybe you could do it
Gene Buckle
2012-08-27 15:45:33 UTC
To: citizen959
From Newsgroup: comp.databases.pick
Post by h***@gmail.com
Why not convert this usenet group to a moderated version so that od and
new users alike learn from this rich historic archive?
I suspect it's a time issue. ie. nobody has any. :) It would be easy enough
just to filter traffic based on the bang path of the messages, that would
shut down his craziness quite effectively.

BTW, I tried to reply to that email you sent me a couple of weeks ago but
the reply-to address was invalid.
whats to stop them learning from this rich historical archive anyway
btw i've contributed bug enquiries reports obserfvations fixes
even code
who the fuck would want to sit around moderating this place
maybe you could do it
If you'd jump into traffic, there wouldn't be a need to moderate the group
at all.

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