<AD> Visage is alive & kicking
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Ross Ferris
2015-10-08 06:22:06 UTC
It has been a while since I've beaten the drum on this topic, but for a variety of reasons we are being contacted by people wanting know if Visage is still "alive" (especially given the fate of some of the other products that have come & gone in this market) ... and besides, it would be nice to generate some traffic & possible lively discussion on this group, so hang on for the ride ;-)

While other products have struggled with licencing issues, we have developed our own libraries (and middleware, server connectivity etc.) from the ground up, so there is no uncertainty on that front with Visage. Visage had Web 2.0 functionality long before the term was even coined and I suspect when people decide what Web 3.0 is, we would have been there, done that already!

For those of you who were not aware, Stamina Software was purchased by our largest customer, Pentana Solutions, earlier this year (Pentana was previously known as Reynolds & Reynolds (Australia), and had well over 30,000 licenced visage seats, including a few 1,000 seat sites), so we are now part of a Software Innovations company that employs over 530 people & has clients in around 120 countries, so if you were ever concerned about our size or longevity, look around!

The Visage development team has remained intact, and indeed has doubled since the acquisition with further growth anticipated. Visage powers Pentana's flagship eraPower DMS solution, and they invest heavily in R&D - and we have a clear roadmap ahead for the next 18 months.

Today with Visage v8.1 your applications can run on ANY browser (not just lip service - we test internally against IE, Safari, Firefox, Opera and they REALLY WORK!) - you can see an example here

v8.2 will be hitting the streets in Q1 2016 sporting responsive design. REAL responsive design, so that rather than having to design screens for every possible form factor you might encounter, your applications will automatically scale & adjust smoothly from a monster 80" 4K panel down to a smart phone, OR you can design for Mobile First with "backwards compatibility" to traditional screen sizes (I must admit I never thought of a full sized screen as a backwards step!) Welcome to the 21st Century!!!

Oh, and for those that may not be aware, Visage is a web based application development framework that has been built around multi-valued databases & internet technologies. It provides a rich GUI UI (and some "REALLY NICE" UX features in v8.2) delivered to any browser that supports HTML5 (and also IE!), will happily work alongside your existing Green Screen applications leveraging your existing code & dictionaries and includes technology aimed to actively reduce the amount of new code you need to write when developing new applications or systems.

The Website will be getting a long overdue overhaul soon, marketing & training materials updated for the v8.2 release, but if you want to get in early please free to contact us now
2016-07-24 20:00:45 UTC
Hello Ross,
Our new controller is looking at changing our POS/Acctg system to one with more modern tools. Do you have a Cd or download where we could have a look at Visage? Please email me at ***@gmail.com . I would be interested in hearing about the changes at Stamina.
Bob Marik
Ross Ferris
2016-07-25 11:47:25 UTC
Hi Bob,

Can't see or respond to your email.

If you send an email to sales @stamina .com .au -- can arrange a walk through for you, and numerous videos/training material on our website