i am equivalent to a bricklayer - means nothing my cv "bricklayer" (socialism)
(too old to reply)
2012-08-21 12:20:52 UTC
3:11:39) nomic: i did early programming for this co you know
(13:11:44) nomic: EURONICS International Ltd. is a European electronics
group based in Amsterdam. Members of Euronics are all independent
retailers, with 11,500 stores and branches in 31 European countries.
(13:11:56) nomic: current revenue
(13:11:57) nomic: €10 000 mill.
(13:12:09) nomic: they were fucking big then
(13:12:31) nomic: i was personal friend of director
(13:12:53) nomic: tbats 10,000 mil
(13:12:58) nomic: thats on my CV
(13:13:02) nomic: i did a fucking lot
(13:13:04) nomic: it was huge then
(13:13:19) nomic: i charged 6k for 48 hours work
(13:13:32) nomic: i got i think 13k out of them
(13:13:34) nomic: didn't know man
(13:13:46) nomic: maybe they're still around
(13:13:49) nomic: i went mad didn't i
(13:13:52) nomic: i mad now
(13:14:03) nomic: no i did the lot
(13:14:09) nomic: i like totally did their software
(13:14:34) nomic: seriousy
(13:14:38) nomic: that was in like 1992
(13:14:43) nomic: was small then
(13:14:59) nomic: was fucking huge then
(13:15:12) nomic: did ok
(13:15:19) nomic: they gave me a terminal and a modem
(13:15:34) nomic: had an old terminal and they gave me a modem hayes
smart modem
(13:15:42) nomic: used to dial in never stopped support
(13:15:51) nomic: just died off u know
(13:15:56) nomic: never understood
(13:16:07) nomic: was almost like a favour
(13:16:10) nomic: never got it
(13:16:17) nomic: seriously
(13:16:29) nomic: i didn't understand
(13:16:37) nomic: was a major corporation
(13:16:52) nomic: thought was like employee
(13:16:58) nomic: if you understand what I mean
(13:17:00) nomic: in context
(13:18:00) nomic: was fucking huge
(13:18:09) nomic: was huge contract
(13:18:15) nomic: never understood let it go
(13:18:21) nomic: never thought
(13:18:25) nomic: like multiple instnaces
(13:18:30) nomic: was a player you know
(13:18:33) nomic: was in software
(13:18:37) nomic: from the start
(13:18:45) nomic: now -- people want a start in anythhing
(13:18:52) nomic: people used to be able to play then
(13:19:01) nomic: without degrees etc
(13:19:19) nomic: its i.t. has elevated things now things were still
being built then
(13:19:26) nomic: i was a builder zip
(13:19:36) nomic: people I know are industrial giants now
(13:19:43) nomic: but i live in a socialist economy
(13:19:51) nomic: i am equivalent to a bricklayer
2012-08-22 01:35:38 UTC
I never got the money for that last week
that last week of contract

when I ended up in hospital with stomach ulcers
after achieving what a team couldn't complete at all

I never got the money for the support thereafter
using my pc

they took it

they robbed me (progressive)
Gene Buckle
2012-08-27 15:39:42 UTC
To: sdlfj
From Newsgroup: comp.databases.pick
I never got the money for that last week
If you want to shut this jackass down, just configure your newsreader to
ignore traffic from nntp.bt.com and news.bt.com - these are two hosts in
the bang path that he posts via Giganews.
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