yes my referee was dead, elkie holland because you effectively killed him
(too old to reply)
fake socialist news
2014-07-25 19:45:58 UTC
he trusted you to supply contractors, salaried employees who were
competent in the skills

that you told him that they were competent in

that was false

you supplied several sequentially and they had no idea of MVDBMS

you lied because you are a liar -- that is what you do

you lied and a bad situation arose

you are discredited

people will confirm this
Gene Buckle
2014-07-28 14:31:09 UTC
To: fake socialist news
From Newsgroup: comp.databases.pick
he trusted you to supply contractors, salaried employees who were
competent in the skills
He who?
that you told him that they were competent in
You who?
you lied because you are a liar -- that is what you do
So says the crazy person.
people will confirm this
No they won't.

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