recycle this newsgroup for zombieware discussion?
(too old to reply)
Frank Winans
2013-09-20 14:07:26 UTC
In that there is a google discussion group for pick stuff, all flavors,
should we also post about r83 / ap_pro / ap_nat / ap_sco / compusheet / etc
zombieware in that group, or put it here? And some posters there seem to
dislike PROC pretty intensely, like a flinch reaction; should PROC
go to the new group or maybe be demoted to this relic cdp instead? I cannot
think there'd be much volume in any of the above topics, of course...
Gene Buckle
2013-09-23 19:00:55 UTC
To: Frank Winans
From Newsgroup: comp.databases.pick
In that there is a google discussion group for pick stuff, all flavors,
should we also post about r83 / ap_pro / ap_nat / ap_sco / compusheet / etc
zombieware in that group, or put it here? And some posters there seem to
dislike PROC pretty intensely, like a flinch reaction; should PROC
go to the new group or maybe be demoted to this relic cdp instead? I cannot
think there'd be much volume in any of the above topics, of course...
I see no reason not to discuss any MV related thing here.

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